
Sunday, March 10, 2019

pengertian 5W + 1H

the meaning of dai 5w + 1H is? a) Who (who) It is a question that will contain facts relating to each person that is directly or indirectly related to the incident. Here it will be seen, names that are included in the scope of the news that are sometimes discussed. b) What It is a question that will answer what happened and will encourage journalists to gather facts related to the things done by the perpetrators and victims in the event. c) Why (why) Will answer the background or cause of the event. Although it's rare, why can it be used to open a news story or become a news lead. d) Where
Regarding the scene. The scene can be written in detail or just an outline. Usually, if the news comes from a famous place, then the writing is not too detailed. e) When (Where) Regarding the time of the incident. The time stated is not limited to date, but can be written days, hours, even minutes when an event takes place. f) How (how) Will provide facts about the process of events given. Can tell the flow of events even the atmosphere when an event that is reported is ongoing. From the information above, it can be concluded that the news is the fastest report on the latest facts or ideas that are correct. News has an appeal, actual and accurate and or is considered important for most residents and published through periodic media. The news written, should contain the news structure.

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